Week Two (Day Eight...as a working artist)

Bryce Dallas Howard always looks beautiful, and it must be all the period pieces messing with my head (or when she was preggers...) because she looks so young in this movie!  A movie I only half paid attention to - looking up tattoo artists on facebook instead - then felt I would have liked, and probably should have just sat down and watched.  Also, spent a big chunk of this movie wishing I was watching Dying Young instead (not to slight 50/50, but Campbell Scott as a rich boy with cancer? C'mon!!).  

1) Another irregular sleeping schedule
2) Freezing house is preventing anything other than reading/watching tv/sleeping under 2 blankets.
3) Fun cover-up that actually took my quoted time!
4) Booking for Feb under way and new contacts established...

Goals for WEEK TWO:  
Walking path/room to paint in studio!
All possible yellow post it notes gone!
Snapfish and Vistaprint finally done!!
Two paintings by next Tuesday....
Magazines recycled!
Books to studio! 
Sketches for sleeves and cover-ups done!
One proper book, read! As well as one Keeper!

Author's Note: 
Yes, it took me a month, 
but everything's basically done except some heavy lifting.  
I feel pretty good about that.